Certifications & Downloads
As a recycling company, we are certified according to the German Ordinance on Specialized Waste Management Companies (Entsorgungsfachbetriebsverordnung EfbV). In addition, we have further certifications according to DIN EN ISO 9001 for the quality management system(QMS), DIN EN ISO 14001 for the environmental management system(UMS), DIN EN ISO 45001 for the occupational health and safety management system(AMS) and DIN EN ISO 50001 for the energy management system(EnMS). In addition, we are also certified according to EU Regulation 333/2011 (iron and steel scrap) and 715/2013 (copper scrap) (end of waste).

Quality management system DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Environmental management system DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

Management system for safety and health at work DIN ISO 45001:2018

Energy management system DIN EN ISO 50001:2018

Council regulation (EU) no. 333/2011

Council regulation (EU) no. 715/2013